Fact sheet 5, 2003

Map of known mineral occurrences in Greenland

The map of mineral occurrences is your shortcut to get acquainted with some of the mineral occurrences in Greenland. The presentation combines the geological map with knowledge of mineral prospects and deposits gathered through more than 150 years.

Geological observations in Greenland began with the first scientific expeditions in the early 1800s. Systematic geological mapping commenced in East Greenland with Dr. Lauge Koch's expeditions 1926–58. In West Greenland the systematic mapping was conducted by the Geological Survey of Greenland (now GEUS) in 1946. This survey was initiated in West Greenland and has subsequently been extended to all parts of Greenland. Coverage is not yet complete.


Fact Sheet No. 5 was published in 2003, for an update please go to
Greenland Mineral Resource Map

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