Glaciological data from Greenland (PROMICE)

Here you will find data from the Programme for Monitoring the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE), which is monitoring the mass loss from the ice sheet. This includes measurements of ice melt, climate and ice movement from 25 monitoring stations as well as monitoring data from aerial measurements and satellites.

The Greenland Ice Sheet is monitored by 25 fully automatic stations which measure the ice melt, the climate and ice movement, and then transmit the data to GEUS in Copenhagen via satellite. The programme focuses on what is happening along the rim of the ice sheet where the mass loss from melting and calving of icebergs take place.

PROMICE also keeps an eye on ice loss from the large calving glaciers in Greenland using data from satellites and aerial measurements.

Data from PROMICE are distributed free of charge to the international research community.

Here you can find: 

  • Weather station data
  • Airborne data
  • Ice extent data
  • Ice velocity data
  • Daily Albedo Grids
  • Historical Mass Balance Data

The PROMICE website also include extensive material explaining how glaciologists determine whether the ice sheet is growing or shrinking. And you will get access to the PROMICE Twitter account, YouTube channel, newsletter and the teaching material “The Ice School”.

Updated knowledge on ice and climate conditions in the Arctic is communicated to the public through operated in cooperation with the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
Danish monitoring programme PROMICE is supplemented with measurements from several foreign stations on the ice. In upcoming years, overall international efforts will provide a more accurate picture of the degree to which the ice sheet is melting, and thus how much this is contributing to the rise of the global sea level.

PROMICE is headed by GEUS in collaboration with DTU and Asiaq, Greenland Survey; it is funded by the Danish Cooperation for Environment in the Arctic (DANCEA) programme under the Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate.